ࡱ> PSOU bjbjnn ..aa2!2!2!2!2!F!F!F!F!,r!,F!6!!!!!y"y"y"f6h6h6h6h6h6h6$9<6-2!y"y"y"y"y"62!2!!!6%%%y"2!!2!!f6%y"f6%%4|z5!L"~4R66064]=#]=$z5z58]=2!5y"y"%y"y"y"y"y"66$0y"y"y"6y"y"y"y"]=y"y"y"y"y"y"y"y"y"B : Glenn Hills High School 2840 Glenn Hills Dr. Augusta, GA 30906 Neichole N. WimberlyPE Teacher Wimbene@BOE.Richmond.k12.ga.us Team Sports Class Syllabus Course Information Teacher- Ms. Neichole N. Wimberly Location- Gymnasium Class Time- 7:35am-1:35pm Office Time- 1:40pm-3:00pm Telephone- 706-796-4924 Course Overview The purpose of this course is to provide learning experiences that will lead to the development of basic skills in team sports. Physical exercise helps students relieve stress and anxiety. Sports teaches students to have improved self-discipline. They can implement this self-control in all aspects of life, from better controlling their emotions to being self-motivated with the studies. PE helps students to develop confidence. Course Goals The goal of physical education is to develop physically literate individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. In addition to skill acquisition, the course will focus on how to plan and implement the four stages of skill development in games through the use of extending, refining, and application tasks. An emphasis will be placed on the use of the game stages and movement framework as a guide for designing a variety of sport game experiences for students in grades 9-12. Course Expectations The expectations, rules, procedures and consequences of my classroom are intended to keep the classroom (gym) environment safe, orderly, and productive. Please respect the rules so that we can maximize learning time together. The rules are not hard to follow, nor are any of them out of the ordinary. They are simply expected behaviors for high school students in this classroom. There should never be a rule that does not have a purpose! Students will be expected to achieve an intermediate level of skill in the selected team sports. Practice outside of class time and individual tutoring may be necessary for some students to achieve the expected performance level. Course Description Team Sports is a physical activity class that focuses on participation as it relates to cultural, ethnic, gender, and physical diversity in such sports as basketball, baseball, football, soccer, softball, dodgeball, volleyball, or any game that incorporates a team sport. Students will establish personal fitness goals, using principles of aerobics, strength and core training. Students will engage in vigorous activities daily. Students will also continue to expand their knowledge for fitness concepts and participate in activities to maintain and improve their health related fitness. This course will include both physical and written assignments. Dress out Attire: You will need to change from school attire into the appropriate workout attire. % Athletic shorts, t-shirt, and athletic shoes Canvas The course will be taught in person, but the students will receive additional materials, take quizzes and submit assignments in CANVAS. If a student needs assistance with accessing CANVAS, the instructor will be available to assist them. They must alert the teacher of any confusion or technical difficulties before assignments are due. They will be held accountable and graded for each assignment and quiz posted to CANVAS. Remind The class will receive reminders about assignments, quizzes and other things related to the class. It is MANDATORY that each student downloads the remind app to receive reminders from the teacher. Send Text To: 81010 Text This Message: 1st period- @nnwi 2nd period- @nnwim 3rd period- @nnwimb 4th period- @nnwimbe 5th period- @nnwimber 6th period- nnwimberl Grade Weights Summative (Test) 40% Formative 30% Classwork 20% ӣwork 10% Grade Policy 90%-100%=A 80%-89%=B 70%-79=C 69%-Below=F *Each student is expected to participate daily with a positive attitude. The GHHS discipline code will be followed for those that choose not to do so. Upon the second (2nd) no dress and participation the students administrator and parent(s) will be notified. 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